
New York Amberthorn Vermouth / 750mL

$ 70.00 In a mixed 6
$ 75.00 Single
Sub-Category: Digestif

What Kind of Vermouth Is This?

The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug. (Thank you Mr. Twain). So Atsby spent considerable time figuring out the right name to call their summer-honey-colored vermouth. “Dry” and “French” were simply untrue; “white” was closer, but not quite right.

Atsby started with the warm, nearly-glowing color. Amber begins as tree resin, then fossilizes into the glassy material that has been used as jewelry since the stone age. It can also serve as a perfume, and has medicinal purposes. It’s transformative; it’s rare. It’s us.

Then Atsby moved on to taste. Their lighter vermouth is complex, warm and unexpected. It comes on strong and segues into soft – a little prickle to shelter the sweet. Like a thorn, existing to protect the most vulnerable of nature’s creations – delicate roses, soft berries – it embodies function and strength.

Their blonde vermouth is transformation. It’s sharp and gentle. It’s a metamorphosis of wine, brandy, honey, herbs and spices into something entirely new.