Applewood Carter's Coffee Liqueur


$ 45.00 Single
Category: Spirits
Sub-Category: Liqueur

It's an Amaro - a bitter/herbal aperitif that have been popular for more than a century - for the Negroni or Wine Spritzer. We like to take an Australian-spin on things - and dry aperitifs seem to epitomise a renaissance in contemporary Australian drinking.

It just so happens that seemingly - 90% of all native Australian botanicals are also intensely bitter. Probably something to do with the harshness of our climate - and one native ingredient stood head-and-shoulders above the rest when it came to Økar - Riberries. Otherwise known as Lilly Pilly. 

The Riberry's cranberry-tartness, hints of clove and bark-like bitterness make it well-suited for an Australian aperitif. Riberries aren't the only stars in this beverage - alongside we see Davidson Plum, Blood Limes, Lemon Myrtle, Saltbush, Sweet Orange Peel, Cassia Bark and Cinchona Bark (to name a few).

Strength: 26% abv Volume: 500ml

Serving suggestion: Made for the famous "ALL AUSSIE" Negroni, mix with Madenii Sweet Vermouth, Applewood Gin and fresh orange 


SILVER - Australian Distilled Awards 2017

BRONZE - San Fransisco Spirit Awards 2017