Di Baldo Un Bitter

500mL / Montebello, Rimini / Italy

Category: Wine
Sub-Category: Fortified

The antithesis of Campari, this hand crafted Bitter will melt you. The raw aromatic inputs sing in complete harmony - nothing artificial here. There are glimpses of cinnamon, rare eastern spices, liquorice and rhubarb. Just a nip in a wine glass will keep you occupied for half an hour.

For the ultimate Americano:
30ml '961'
30ml 'Un Bitter'
1 large ice block
Top with the best soda you can find

Add about 10ml of either DiBaldo gin and you've got a brain washing Negroni...wow.

DiBaldo operates out of an olfactory lab above Tenuta Saiano, an organic farm and winery, outside Rimini in Emilia-Romagna. Having left an industry overrun by artificial aromats, Baldo is taking aroma back to its natural roots, cataloguing 10s of thousands of the world’s most desirable fragrances. He works in silence, applying his knowledge of perfumery to the creation of an exceptional suite of ‘Essenze’ (essences) of aromatic intensity and purity - the raw and natural in a world of manufactured vermouths and bitters. Indeed, no caramel colouring, burnt sugars or other chemical additives are used. Baldo was initiated as a Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere (Master of the Arts and Trades) in 2020, under the Gastronomy and Wine Bartending category, joining an elite collection of Italian tradespeople and artists. Whether a chef or bartender, these ‘essenze’ are the ultimate tool - just a drop will take your creations to a new level.